Salam Semua...
Syukur Pada Yang Maha Berkuasa Tuhan Sekalian alam....
Today after a long break..I'm back in the office. Tak banyak kerja pun just sibuk kan diri tengok orang-orang sekeliling termasuk lah proses pengambilan pegawai bomba. Kind of strict jugak lar... sebabnyer from 41 candidates yang datang cuma sorang jer yang layak untuk ke sessi temuduga esok. Total applicants about 100,000... (ramai yang mohon tapi yang dipanggil about 20,000 jer)
Today would be my last day of Puasa 6... alhamdulillah berjaya juga mengharungi cabaran dan dugaan. its all about mencari keredhaan dan keberkatan selain dari kenikmatan berbuka, my personal view puasa ni sangat sihat, hopefully diberikan Allah untuk jadikan amalan . InsyaAllah.
Today something unexpected happened... IJN called Diana for something that we are not ready. Eventually they asking us untuk cepatkan operation for Aqeela... Dr.Siva free this week after a girl schedule for operation posponed it to a new date. Diana just got back to work so things like this memang akan haywire kalau kita follow after we agreed that this coming 8th Sept will be the admission date.
Today also Diana discovered a very touching, inspired..and usefull blog to the parent especially to us. The Blog was really something that I've been looking for and why I'm started writing now is totally to share some little experience as a parent who has a children with special gift from God. Millions thanks to you En Sheikh and Puan Intan... I'll be contact you for some information that both of you have successfully gone truth.
To My Beloved wife... I know you were crying reading the blog.. even when I called you just now you were still crying. My voice may sound so cool pretending nothing happened but deep inside my heart it was really a difficult moment that both of us must go face and gone thru. I need you as much as you need me and so much Aqeela needs us... we must be strong and Papa love ibu so much...
Permudahkan Ya Allah Segala urusan ku...
Monday, August 26, 2013
Tuesday, August 06, 2013
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri
Salam Aidil Fitri buat semua...
Semoga dirahmati dan dikasihi Allah sentiasa.
Ampun dan Maaf diminta sekiranya ada terkasar bahasa.. kerana sesungguhnya manusia itu
lemah tanpa akal dan fikiran , longlai tanpa taufik dan hidayah ..... hanya Iman dan Takwa sebagai pendinding diri demi kesejahteraan dunia dan akhirat.
Semoga dirahmati dan dikasihi Allah sentiasa.
Ampun dan Maaf diminta sekiranya ada terkasar bahasa.. kerana sesungguhnya manusia itu
lemah tanpa akal dan fikiran , longlai tanpa taufik dan hidayah ..... hanya Iman dan Takwa sebagai pendinding diri demi kesejahteraan dunia dan akhirat.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
2nd Appointment
Alhamdulillah... Syukur kepada Allah ke atas pemberiannya yang menjadikan aku seorang insan yang redha dan tawakal atas ujian mu.
Hari yang dinantikan telah tiba... hari yang mungkin menentukan masa depan Aqeela. Sampai di IJN dalam pukul 1.15 tghari and sempat menunaikan Solat Jumaat bersama warga IJN di surau tingkat 7 (It was a parking lot yang telah diconvert jadi surau yang cantik).
Lepas selesai.. sempat tunai solat hajat 2 rakaat sebelum walk back to Paed Dept. Baby Aqeela still sleeping and tak ramai patient pun. But I did notice ada budak perempuan ni age dalam 5-7 years datang dengan mak dia and she is blue... Blue means you can actually see her lips.. fingers and skin is bluish colour. Rasa syukur sangat sebab ada Insan yang lebih teruk lagi keadaannya kalau nak compared dengan baby Aqeela.
We met Dr.Siva after half hour of waiting... late 30's.. with glasses and very energetic. He look at Aqeela.. touch here and there and do some standard procedure. Open his monitor.. key in the code numbers and there it is.. all detail about Aqeela appeared at the screen. Lots of explanation, questions and answers regarding to what is our baby is having now.
Well.. our 1st visit dengan Dr Geetha its really tally dengan Dr. Siva nyer opinion. Since he is a surgeon the details on the operation was clearly explained. The procedure is called an Open Heart Operation.. and it will take about 3-4 hours depends on baby condition. The method of closing back the holes they called it as Synthetic Patching which will grow together with the heart... tak sure what kind of material tapi I was been understood that it was kind of fabric like Dacron or Gore-tex. I can't imagine a Gore-Tex inside my baby's heart... can you?
To cut short.. we accepted apa yang Allah berikan ini ... mana mungkin terfikir pada akal dan fikiran ini yang baby Aqeela akan di cucuk ... di bius.... dibuka dadanya dan dikeluarkan jantungnya ... tapi itu semua yang akan kami hadapi pada 08 Sept 2013. Doa dan tawakal yang hanya mampu untuk saat dan tika ini.......... and as for now also we just wanna our Baby Aqeela to be healthy.
Hari yang dinantikan telah tiba... hari yang mungkin menentukan masa depan Aqeela. Sampai di IJN dalam pukul 1.15 tghari and sempat menunaikan Solat Jumaat bersama warga IJN di surau tingkat 7 (It was a parking lot yang telah diconvert jadi surau yang cantik).
Lepas selesai.. sempat tunai solat hajat 2 rakaat sebelum walk back to Paed Dept. Baby Aqeela still sleeping and tak ramai patient pun. But I did notice ada budak perempuan ni age dalam 5-7 years datang dengan mak dia and she is blue... Blue means you can actually see her lips.. fingers and skin is bluish colour. Rasa syukur sangat sebab ada Insan yang lebih teruk lagi keadaannya kalau nak compared dengan baby Aqeela.
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Renungan Jauh Seorang Ibu |
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Some example of the Images that appeared on the screen |
To cut short.. we accepted apa yang Allah berikan ini ... mana mungkin terfikir pada akal dan fikiran ini yang baby Aqeela akan di cucuk ... di bius.... dibuka dadanya dan dikeluarkan jantungnya ... tapi itu semua yang akan kami hadapi pada 08 Sept 2013. Doa dan tawakal yang hanya mampu untuk saat dan tika ini.......... and as for now also we just wanna our Baby Aqeela to be healthy.
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Aqeela love Papa.. and Ibu... |
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Majlis Aqiqah 04 July 2013
Alhamdulillah semua berjalan dengan lancar seperti yang dirancang. Alhamdulillah kerana semua tetamu yang dijemput hadir ke majlis aqiqah ini. Alhamdulillah dikurniakan keluarga yang sama-sama membantu untuk majlis ini terutama Tok Pa and Tok Ma.
Majlis ni actually memang boleh dikatakan agak ad-hoc jugak lar sebab it took me almost 2 weeks to decide samada nak buat ke tak. Sebabnyer sebelum-sebelum ni semua baby yang ada dalam our family kurang-kurang after 3 months baru nak buat so this time macam cepat sikit . Lagi pun diana baru habis pantang so I think its a good move lar actually. After consult dengan diana , pa and ma .. hari yang we all pilih adalah khamis malam jumaat 4 July. Very simple majlis coz hanya jemput family, close friends, neighbours and orang surau.
Majlis dimulakan dengan bacaan surah dan doa oleh Tuan Imam , kemudian di tahniq dan taqliq serta potong anak rambut sambil diiringi oleh bacaan selawat dan Salam buat Junjungan Besar Nabi Muhammmad S.A.W. Alhamdulillah baby langsung tak nangis and maybe Aqeela dah biasa dengar papa dia dodoi camtu kot so macam cool jugak lar dia malam tu.
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With Kak Long (Tudung) Kak Ngah (Baju Pink) Cousin Alesya |
Sekali lagi buat keluarga tercinta My Beloved diana, kids, Pa n Ma, adik beradik...... those yang helping us directly or indirectly.... millions thanks to you guys for make it this aqiqah happened. Tak terbalas jasa kalian semua and love uols so much. Maaf sekiranya ada salah dan silap..halalkan sekiranya ada yang terlebih atau terkurang sepanjang majlis ini dilangsungkan.
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Ain Afra (Budak kecik ni pon tolong kemas gak)..hehehe |
Monday, July 08, 2013
P/S: Akan ke IJN pada hari Jumaat ini untuk appointment dengan pakar bedah Dr.Siva. Semoga dipermudahkan dan diberi kekuatan oleh Allah . Amin
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Hari Ini Dalam Sejarah
Syukur kepada Allah yang Maha Penyayang dan Maha Mengasihi...
Alhamdulillah.. we finally arrived at IJN after 1 hour and 15 mins drive.. as today is Monday and everybody is like rushing to the office at this hour. Weather still bad and traffic congested all the way from Shah Alam. Really difficult to put in words how I feel about it... berserah kepada Yang Maha Kuasa.
The last time I was here was during Diana's uncle bypass operation. Alhamdulillah he's fine now. We walk straight to the reception counter which at the left side as you enter the lobby. Eventually IJN already separated the adult and kid area.. we were ushered to the Paediatric Department which located exactly in front of the open space parking. Lucky me not so many people at this hour and registration really quick and fast. Your kid need to be photograph for the record and few documents need to be sign. Once completed they gave me a Green File and from there I need to complete few procedure before doctor's consultation.
X-Ray Room.
New patient will need to go for the X-Ray and for pregnant mother, you are not allowed in here! Aqeela so far ok lar... tak cry pun since it was really fast. Nak bukak baju dia lagi lama dari buat X-Ray.. hehehhe. I was being inform that the X-Ray film will be send straight to Doctor.. so no need to bring A3 size envelope everywhere just like those days. After X-Ray we went for another test ... ECG Test
Not so long of waiting once you place the Green File in the ECG room, person in charge will call your name. Well... this time Aqeela doesn't like it at all. Some kind of stickers were placed on her body and wires from the machine clipping the sticker. She cried and time ni memang start rasa sebak sangat seeing my baby like that. Aqeela strong Ok...papa and Ibu sayang Aqeela.
Once completed we move to Room 903 for weight scale and file submission. Alhamdulillah ada peningkatan berat badan Aqeela and the oksigen level in her body was 100%.
From here, we have to wait to see Dr. Geetha.... lama gak lar . Lucky for us baby sleep dalam carrier so tak lar susah sangat. It almost 11 am and ramai patient kat IJN ni especially parents with kids. Now I realized that kat Malaysia ni memang banyak kes sakit jantung yang tidak mengira umur. Infact ada yang lebih teruk keadaannya... syukur Alhamdulillah........Ya Allah... berikanlah aku kesabaran dalam menempuh ujian yang engkau berikan ini.
We finally being call up by nurse to see Dr. Geetha and there were some questions and answers between us before she start the echo test .. just like in KPJ before. At this point of time, tak tau lah nak cakap apa dalam hati ni.. just berserah kepada Allah jer. Sebelum ni KPJ informed ada TOF and ASD, hopefully its a good news. Lama jugak lar doc check and few time stopping coz Aqeela crying. Almost 20 minutes she sat back and start explaining.
Your daughter is having what we call VSD... Vetrical Septal Defect and also a bit of ASD. The vetricular septum is a bit overriding to the left and that might be the reason why KPJ diagnosed its a TOF. Well, I don't really agree its a TOF anyway as for my evaluation. As for now her body still accepting a sufficient amount of blood and oxygen in the heart but we can't wait too long. Blood overflow may cause damage to the heart and we don't want that to happen. The solution is to do the surgery not more than 3 months from now.
Tears flow and our heart were touched again. Its a difficult moment for both of us again.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhan ku... Ujian yang Engkau berikan ini sesungguh amat berat bagi ku.. permudahkanlah segala urusan ku dan berikanlah aku ketabahan dan kesabaran dalam menempuh ujian mu ini.
Your daughter is having what we call VSD... Vetrical Septal Defect and also a bit of ASD. The vetricular septum is a bit overriding to the left and that might be the reason why KPJ diagnosed its a TOF. Well, I don't really agree its a TOF anyway as for my evaluation. As for now her body still accepting a sufficient amount of blood and oxygen in the heart but we can't wait too long. Blood overflow may cause damage to the heart and we don't want that to happen. The solution is to do the surgery not more than 3 months from now.
Tears flow and our heart were touched again. Its a difficult moment for both of us again.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhan ku... Ujian yang Engkau berikan ini sesungguh amat berat bagi ku.. permudahkanlah segala urusan ku dan berikanlah aku ketabahan dan kesabaran dalam menempuh ujian mu ini.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Super Hazzy:JDT
Cuaca oh cuaca....
Its look like being in the highland with the mist and fogs around... unfortunately it was humid, hot and hazzy... I wish to stay longer here just like before... good food and good hotel ... Errkkk with this kind of weather sorry babe. Quickly finishing my work.. get the tix change immediately, lucky me I got a seat ...poor me the flight delayed almost 3 hours.
Tak inform pun Diana I'm coming back... so macam wat suprised gitewww. Received call from her masa dalam taxi tapi buat-buat mcm busy or else kantoi lar balik awal. Sampai jer rumah , rang the bell and Diana welcoming her husband with the biggest smile.
Actually my mind wasn't in JB at all since I left the house at 6 am . Since it was my first ever fieldwork after Aqeela was born I left the house with a blundered heart. I really don't like it..and I must do something about it and please help me God. Ya Allah ya tuhanku permudahkan lah urusan ku ini.Well, definitely no other reason to be safely back at home just to be with my family especially Aqeela.
still dont know what to expect for this coming 24th...
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